Generate a sample document set
You can create a sample document set by specifying the number of documents to include in the sample or by providing a percentage of the population. For more information about random sampling, refer to About random sampling.
As indicated, the document population in a random sample varies each time you run it. When viewing a sample, understand that search, filter, or sort options that could modify the sample are not available. However, with the sample displayed, you can select the documents and folder or tag them for later use.
Perform the following procedure to generate a sample document set.
In the Main Menu, select > or Review.
In the Docked Viewer or Undocked Viewer, click the Random Sample icon
In the Random Sample dialog box, perform the following actions.
In Sampling Type, select one of the following:
Fixed. Then, in Sample Size, enter a specific number.
Percentage. Then, in Sample Size, enter a percentage.
Click Sample.
A sample summary bar appears at the top of the Document List, which shows the number or percentages of sample documents.
To clear the sample, in the sample summary bar, click Clear Sample.